Kirk Deighton main street.jpg
oak kitchen with simple gallery + high vaulted ceiling.jpg
pull out bed diagram.jpg
230814 kitchen PLAN and coloured dwgs.jpg
House in  Harrogate vers 2.jpg
Jan 2020 coloured drawings.jpg
A1 plan  no 7.jpg
190929 Bedoom cupboards plan  in A2 at 1 to 20.jpg
A1 plan  no 5.jpg
A1 plan no 10.jpg
A1 plan  no 4.jpg
pg 9 A2.jpg
A1 plan  no 3.jpg
Wright DWG  01 12 2018 (2).jpg
library colour pic 24 12 2018.jpg
Hyde coloured dwgs 08 12 2018.jpg
Brocklebury dwg dated 20 12 2018.jpg
Brocklebury dwg dated 20 12 2018 (2).jpg
Beverley dwgs dated 18 11 2018.jpg
Beverley dwgs dated 18 11 2018 (2).jpg
230420 whole house dwgs  (11).jpg
181113 DRESSING ROOM  plan 2.jpg
pg 22 A2.jpg
church gate 2.jpg
church gate 1.jpg
A1 plan 20 09 2018  Wall panelling + examples of freestanding Arts + Crafts.jpg
greenhouse may 2018 (3).jpg
Henki A1 plan for unit 2 dated 05 07 2018.jpg
Henki A1 plan for unit 3 dated 05 07 2018.jpg
sketches 04 09 2018.jpg
bldg 1.jpg
A1 dwg1 plan for no15 Chilton Close dated 30 06 2018 at 1 to 20.jpg
A1 dwg3 west + south extension elevations  for no15 Chilton Close 1 dated 30 06 2018 1 to 20.jpg
industrial shelving system.jpg
wine rooms (2).jpg
PT dwg 1 with lights.jpg
round island contemporary.jpg
vers 1 coloured alt.jpg
Riley colour drawings dated 21 01 2018.jpg
Tom Howley dark colour.jpg
Skirton 27 01 2018 dwg (5).jpg
chair 1 lighter.jpg
tall oven + coffee  cupd1.jpg
tall fridge and wine cupd1.jpg
French eclectic style 2.jpg
stainless steel kitchen with silestone frames + tops.jpg
current view.jpg
projected view.jpg
house in watercolours.jpg
Woodale 29 11 2015.jpg
Woodale 29 11 2015 (2).jpg
Briggs colour dwgs 22 12 2015.jpg
tall larder and wine cupd.jpg
house b+w 20 11 2015.jpg
Arts + Crafts 20 12 2015 (2).jpg
Arts + Crafts 20 12 2015.jpg
glazed presentation dresser.jpg
glazed display cupd.jpg
contemporary kitchen blue  + red.jpg
contemporary oak + light blue kitchen.jpg
occasional piece in  arts + crafts style.jpg
stool with bamboo central pier.jpg
dresser --arts + crafts.jpg
sideboard in bamboo.jpg
Dowling 22 10 2014.jpg
dresser Mackintosh style.jpg
Arts + Crafts open dresser in painted style.jpg
Hanover staircase dwg 18 08 2015.jpg
seat Mackintosh style.jpg
robe with burr and inlay.jpg
stainless steel kitchen.jpg
Garland main.jpg
Duggan dwg1 dated 14 08 2012.jpg
Culf drawings dated 30 06 2015 (2).jpg
Culf drawings dated 30 06 2015.jpg
Herridge kitchen dwg 1 dated 25 03 2014.jpg
Dales dwg dated 24 06 2015 (2).jpg
bureau in 1950's style.jpg
Green dwgs dated 14 07 2015 (2).jpg
Welsh dresser in Arts + Crafts style.jpg
bookcase and fireplace area.jpg
Griffiths dwg 3 dated 04 12 2012.jpg
Lund dwg1 dated 05 12 2011.jpg
maple with boxer dog.JPG
miller dwgs.jpg
miller dwgs (2).jpg
Neptune painted.jpg
26 10 2015 (2).jpg
oak chalon.JPG
oak island and dresser.JPG
oak planked tall doors.JPG
childs pirate bed.jpg
chest of drawers with burr and inlay edge.jpg
O'Connel 6 dated 07  07 2015 plan + drawing.jpg
Pace colour dwg dated 30 05 2015 (2).jpg
Paver coloured dwgs 11 04 2014 (2).jpg
side table in 1950's style.jpg
Pickering dwg 1 dated 17 04 2012.jpg
Pickering dwg 4 dated 17 04 2012.jpg
Robinson dwgs 07 07 2015.jpg
Ross dwg 1 dated 29 03 2012.jpg
Russell lh 16 12 10.jpg
Young sketches 16 06 2015.jpg
Young sketches 16 06 2015 (2).jpg
walnut and birds eye maple industrial kitchen .jpg
Willoughby drawings 15 06 2015.jpg
Woodie landscape.jpg
Goldenfry dwgs dated 13 12 2015 (3).jpg
Skirton 27 01 2018 dwg (6).jpg
Ogden coloured dwgs dated 24 01 2018 (2).jpg
greenhouse may 2018.jpg
version 3 b+w.jpg
180523 Melvin A1 ELEVATIONS ongoing.jpg
180523 Melvin A1 plan ongoing.jpg
A1 dwg0 total drawings for no15 Chilton Close dated 30 06 2018 at 1 to 50.jpg
A2 dwg of unit 2 interior.jpg
Westin dwgs 02 06 2018 (2).jpg
Hofman colour dwg 07 12 2018 .jpg
Poortvliet dwg1 island dated 24 07 2012.jpg
Ashworth dwg 1 dated 27 01 2012.jpg
Ashworth dwg 2 dated 27 01 2012b.jpg
Barry Dargan dwg2 dated 20 06 2012.jpg
dwg dated 19 01 2019 (2).jpg
Emma + Tim dwgs 21 01 2019 (3).jpg
Whittington dwg dated 19 01 2019.jpg
Jan 2020 pencil sketches  (2).jpg
Kirk Deighton main street.jpg
oak kitchen with simple gallery + high vaulted ceiling.jpg
pull out bed diagram.jpg
230814 kitchen PLAN and coloured dwgs.jpg
House in  Harrogate vers 2.jpg
Jan 2020 coloured drawings.jpg
A1 plan  no 7.jpg
190929 Bedoom cupboards plan  in A2 at 1 to 20.jpg
A1 plan  no 5.jpg
A1 plan no 10.jpg
A1 plan  no 4.jpg
pg 9 A2.jpg
A1 plan  no 3.jpg
Wright DWG  01 12 2018 (2).jpg
library colour pic 24 12 2018.jpg
Hyde coloured dwgs 08 12 2018.jpg
Brocklebury dwg dated 20 12 2018.jpg
Brocklebury dwg dated 20 12 2018 (2).jpg
Beverley dwgs dated 18 11 2018.jpg
Beverley dwgs dated 18 11 2018 (2).jpg
230420 whole house dwgs  (11).jpg
181113 DRESSING ROOM  plan 2.jpg
pg 22 A2.jpg
church gate 2.jpg
church gate 1.jpg
A1 plan 20 09 2018  Wall panelling + examples of freestanding Arts + Crafts.jpg
greenhouse may 2018 (3).jpg
Henki A1 plan for unit 2 dated 05 07 2018.jpg
Henki A1 plan for unit 3 dated 05 07 2018.jpg
sketches 04 09 2018.jpg
bldg 1.jpg
A1 dwg1 plan for no15 Chilton Close dated 30 06 2018 at 1 to 20.jpg
A1 dwg3 west + south extension elevations  for no15 Chilton Close 1 dated 30 06 2018 1 to 20.jpg
industrial shelving system.jpg
wine rooms (2).jpg
PT dwg 1 with lights.jpg
round island contemporary.jpg
vers 1 coloured alt.jpg
Riley colour drawings dated 21 01 2018.jpg
Tom Howley dark colour.jpg
Skirton 27 01 2018 dwg (5).jpg
chair 1 lighter.jpg
tall oven + coffee  cupd1.jpg
tall fridge and wine cupd1.jpg
French eclectic style 2.jpg
stainless steel kitchen with silestone frames + tops.jpg
current view.jpg
projected view.jpg
house in watercolours.jpg
Woodale 29 11 2015.jpg
Woodale 29 11 2015 (2).jpg
Briggs colour dwgs 22 12 2015.jpg
tall larder and wine cupd.jpg
house b+w 20 11 2015.jpg
Arts + Crafts 20 12 2015 (2).jpg
Arts + Crafts 20 12 2015.jpg
glazed presentation dresser.jpg
glazed display cupd.jpg
contemporary kitchen blue  + red.jpg
contemporary oak + light blue kitchen.jpg
occasional piece in  arts + crafts style.jpg
stool with bamboo central pier.jpg
dresser --arts + crafts.jpg
sideboard in bamboo.jpg
Dowling 22 10 2014.jpg
dresser Mackintosh style.jpg
Arts + Crafts open dresser in painted style.jpg
Hanover staircase dwg 18 08 2015.jpg
seat Mackintosh style.jpg
robe with burr and inlay.jpg
stainless steel kitchen.jpg
Garland main.jpg
Duggan dwg1 dated 14 08 2012.jpg
Culf drawings dated 30 06 2015 (2).jpg
Culf drawings dated 30 06 2015.jpg
Herridge kitchen dwg 1 dated 25 03 2014.jpg
Dales dwg dated 24 06 2015 (2).jpg
bureau in 1950's style.jpg
Green dwgs dated 14 07 2015 (2).jpg
Welsh dresser in Arts + Crafts style.jpg
bookcase and fireplace area.jpg
Griffiths dwg 3 dated 04 12 2012.jpg
Lund dwg1 dated 05 12 2011.jpg
maple with boxer dog.JPG
miller dwgs.jpg
miller dwgs (2).jpg
Neptune painted.jpg
26 10 2015 (2).jpg
oak chalon.JPG
oak island and dresser.JPG
oak planked tall doors.JPG
childs pirate bed.jpg
chest of drawers with burr and inlay edge.jpg
O'Connel 6 dated 07  07 2015 plan + drawing.jpg
Pace colour dwg dated 30 05 2015 (2).jpg
Paver coloured dwgs 11 04 2014 (2).jpg
side table in 1950's style.jpg
Pickering dwg 1 dated 17 04 2012.jpg
Pickering dwg 4 dated 17 04 2012.jpg
Robinson dwgs 07 07 2015.jpg
Ross dwg 1 dated 29 03 2012.jpg
Russell lh 16 12 10.jpg
Young sketches 16 06 2015.jpg
Young sketches 16 06 2015 (2).jpg
walnut and birds eye maple industrial kitchen .jpg
Willoughby drawings 15 06 2015.jpg
Woodie landscape.jpg
Goldenfry dwgs dated 13 12 2015 (3).jpg
Skirton 27 01 2018 dwg (6).jpg
Ogden coloured dwgs dated 24 01 2018 (2).jpg
greenhouse may 2018.jpg
version 3 b+w.jpg
180523 Melvin A1 ELEVATIONS ongoing.jpg
180523 Melvin A1 plan ongoing.jpg
A1 dwg0 total drawings for no15 Chilton Close dated 30 06 2018 at 1 to 50.jpg
A2 dwg of unit 2 interior.jpg
Westin dwgs 02 06 2018 (2).jpg
Hofman colour dwg 07 12 2018 .jpg
Poortvliet dwg1 island dated 24 07 2012.jpg
Ashworth dwg 1 dated 27 01 2012.jpg
Ashworth dwg 2 dated 27 01 2012b.jpg
Barry Dargan dwg2 dated 20 06 2012.jpg
dwg dated 19 01 2019 (2).jpg
Emma + Tim dwgs 21 01 2019 (3).jpg
Whittington dwg dated 19 01 2019.jpg
Jan 2020 pencil sketches  (2).jpg
show thumbnails